Original Item: Only One available. This is a very nice private purchase German WWII NSKK Service Kepi (Tuchmütze), often called a "Coffee Can Cap." These were worn by NSKK members when in uniform, such as at meetings and recruiting events. It is made of tan "whipcord" woven fabric, with a black felt top and silver button on the front. Above this it features the second pattern NSKK banner logo over a Reichsadler, which was the insignia in use from 1939 until the end of WWII. This high quality logo is actually embroidered in flat wire silver threads, which have oxidized a bit.
This example does not have a chinstrap, and does not appear that it ever did, as the private purchase examples did not always conform to the official patterns. The interior is lined with rough woven cotton or a cotton / rayon blend, which is off white in color. There are no maker or other markings on the lining. The leather sweatband is in fair condition, having torn and cracked in the forehead area due to sweat and oil exposure. It is embossed in silver with Stirndruckfrei / Deutsches Reichspatent, which indicates it is a "forehead pressure free" design protected by German patents.
Condition of the kepi is very good, showing only light wear and just a bit of moth damage to the rear exterior wool tricot blend shell. We did look under the scalloped skirt, and there does not look to be much damage in there, if any. The brim does not have any cracks or folds. These are rare in any condition, and this is definitely a very good example.
A very hard to find NSKK Service Kepi, ready to display!
The development of the NSKK, National Sozialistisches Kraftfahr Korps, (National Socialist Motor Corps), can be traced back to 1923, when the SA introduced a Kraftfahr Abteilung, (Motor Section), to transport personnel as required. In 1928 the SA Motor section was expanded to Kraftfahrstaffeln, (Motor Squadrons). In an attempt to create a national motor corps the NSAK, National Sozialistisches Automobil Korps, (National Socialist Automobile Corps), was formed in April 1930 as an NSDAP auxiliary organization, which was subordinate to the SA.
In early 1931 Adolf Hühnlein was appointed as Chief of the NSAK and proposed a name change to NSKK, which was officially accepted in April 1931. Before the introduction of a standardized belt buckle the NSKK used the SA pattern rectangular buckle in a variety of styles usually nickel or chrome-plated over brass or steel.
The NSKK served as a training organization, mainly instructing members in the operation and maintenance of high-performance motorcycles and automobiles. The NSKK was further used to transport NSDAP and SA officials/members. The NSKK also served as a roadside assistance group in the mid-1930s, comparable to the modern-day American Automobile Association or the British Automobile Association. With the outbreak of World War II NSKK ranks were recruited to serve in the transport corps of various German military branches. There was also a French section of the NSKK which was organized after the German occupation of France began in 1940. The NSKK was the smallest of the NSDAP Party organizations.